Section of stairs- I feel that they could be more creatively placed within the space and have a more creative design, they are too simple. My Material selection would be a black glass tread. As the rise is a cylindrical shape this could be effective contrasting different materials, so I may choose steel. The balustrade will be steel and glass as well.
Cross section
Journal sketch of sections
I prefer these stairs as they have more of a creative and unusual feel to them. They fit well in the below space too, so I need to do some adjusting as to where I'm going to place each set and whether I'm going to change the stitch style to a more edgy feel as it is dedicated to Christian Benner Jackets. I went with a circular theme for rolex, in conjunction with a watch face, gears etc. The spheres will be steel, the tread glass and the stringers steel again. The triangular balustrade will be frosted glass or aluminium.
Cross section
Journal sketch
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