'Electroliquid Aggregation'
"Why still speak of the real and the virtual, the material and the immaterial? Here these categories are not in opposition, or in some metaphysical disagreement, but more in an electroliquid aggregation, enforcing each other, as in two part adhesive".
-Two Complete Opposites merging together
-ie. The curve and the rectilinear
Understanding the Site: Blacktown International Sports Park
Site map taken from website:http://www.blacktownsportspark.com.au
- Car Park & Football Field closest to M7
M7 screenshots off Google Maps
Consider a captivating marker, as cars drive past at speeds between 80 to 100 km/h
-Interesting Aspects
-Material Choice
Selected Site: Soccer Field
Combining Landscape & Building
Diller & Scofidio
Combine & Contrast:
-Hard & Soft
-Natural & Synthetic
Peter Gluck & Partners
Axonometric Parallel Projections
Using these 2 axonometric drawings and merging them I achieved the following series:
Electroliquid Aggregation Concepts
The concepts I have formed are humour, ambiguity, shadow, apogee, nature and organic form. Bringing these into an electroliquid aggregation makes sense. Overlying all words, ambiguity is prevalent with the term of electroliquid aggregation, the idea of complete opposites enforcing each other to create a unanimous being. It is quite an ambiguous idea when coming to terms with it initially. This marker will be a design with a sense of humour, with apogee (the ability to orbit, ie. be viewed at all angles, represent and merge with nature, and cast shadows as an effective means. Its initial appearance will be interpreted as ambiguous initially, thus inviting the viewer to engage with the design and space.
Axonometric with curved and rectilinear, as if placed on sketchup and artisan tools used.
Axonometric in 3D
Playing with Subdivide & Subtract tool
The best product to develop is the left design. It relates back to my concept inspired by the Serpentine Gallery. It's fluidity is effective. It does not meet exactly with the criteria of electroliquid aggregation, this is because of aesthetic effect, with the other designs, I simply cannot achieve an aesthetic quality to further develop.
Model placed in lumion
Relationship with Landscape & Habitability
The site is relatively flat, so the marker can technically be placed on top of it. Yet it may be interesting to place it in some relationship to the landscape, taking the moulded form to the surface in an interesting manor as it shape allows that kind of merging. In terms of habitability, I think the marker could be used in conjunction with the soccer field, perhaps as a viewing or commentating aspect. It could also be used as a gallery or 'hall of fame' for historical events and iconic persona relating to the sports park. I think this kind of form screams interaction. Children especially love to touch and climb. Material choice must be designed accordingly to safety, as with scale.
Image from Whats Eating Gilbert Grape- Arnie always climbing the water tower.
Sculptures by the Sea
Site & Scale
Still experimenting and getting an idea of scale in relation to the site, consider the shadows the marker will project, whether it interferes with the soccer field. I think 30 m height would be a significant scale enabling noticeability and habitability.
Conception stage- extending the idea generation
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