Friday, 10 April 2015

EXP 2 Week 1



There is a concurrent theme of light and natural elements throughout Sanaa's work. They establish these themes through effective use of minimalism including great amounts of glass as windows and walls and skylights and introduction of plants combined with architecture.
Garden House Tokyo
The River- Connecticut

Teshima Art Museum-Teshima, Japan
Serpentine Pavilion- London

Concepts within SANAA's work:
- Light
- Space
- Nature
- Geometry
- Organic Form
- Minimalism/ Simplicity
- Shape 
- Aesthetic & Experimental
- Ambiguity- The extensive use of glass in SANAA's architecture has quite a different effect than seen in most glass buildings, as SANAA uses the glass to create reflections and layered spaces with unclear boundaries.-
- Playful elements adding humour to the experience

Drawn Concepts

1. Organic shape and light involved in an interrelationship to create a sense of playful humour with an underlying sense of ambiguity.
2. Concepts of light in terms of reflection, shadows, strong sense of geometry
3. Concepts of shape, organic form, natural elements, light/shadow. Also the word Apogee- to orbit. 
4. Inspired by the Teshima Art Museum, which has exceptional sense of light and bringing the outside in thus being in touch with natural elements
5. Organic form, light/shadow, nature
6. Geometry, light, space- depth

Concept no. 2

Concept no. 3
Concept no. 1

Concept no.3 & 1
Concept no.3 

3D Development
Using Concept 6
Playing with Artisan Tools

The Importance of a Marker


1. One that marks or serves as a mark, as:
a. bookmark.
b. tombstone.
c. milestone.
2. An implement, especially a felt-tipped pen, used for marking or writing.
3. One who marks objects, especially for industrial purposes.
4. One who grades student papers.
5. Sports
a. device, such as a line, stake, or flag, set on a playing field and showing the playing or scoring position.
b. player who guards an opponent, as in soccer.
c. An official in certain court games, such as squash, who mainly judges whether the ball is out of play andwhether a fault or let has occurred.

Focus on Technology

Technology is everywhere. I cant think of a moment throughout the day where I do not use any form of it. Technology keeps the world in constant movement and excels design. It ceases to amaze. With this in mind I would like my design to explore the concept of technology. After all, technology enables the site to exist. It enhances the manipulation of materials into innovative creations. It enables us to get from place to place to experience the site. For this particular project, technology plays a great role. The M7 a means of technology enabling the transport of vehicles. Technology also facilitates Sporting practices. Enhancing the quality of sport with technologically advanced equipment. I will focus on technology through the means of building practice, how technology enables innovation of architecture, and in this case to enhance the noticeability of the Sports Park 

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